What is Each Mind Matters?

Each Mind Matters is California’s Mental Health Movement – millions of individuals and thousands of organizations working to promote mental health and prevent suicides in the many diverse communities in California. Over the past four years, the programs and resources associated with Each Mind Matters have had significant statewide impact. Across the state, people are taking action, speaking up and reaching out to help when they see someone struggling.

Mental Health in California

Nearly 1 in 6

California adults experience a mental illness of some kind.

1 in 24

California adults have a serious mental illness that makes it difficult to carry out major life activities.

1 in 13

California children has an emotional disturbance that limits participation in daily activities.

For further figures on mental health in California, please refer to this infographic from the California Health Care Foundation.

How Does this Apply to American Indian Communities?

Many families of all backgrounds have experienced some type of trauma, but for Native American families, there has often been both personal and historical trauma. People who have been through many difficult experiences (especially if these happen in childhood) are more likely to face health, mental health, and substance use challenges.

 American Indians…

Experience serious psychological distress 1.5 times more often than the general population.

Experience PTSD more than twice as often compared to the general population.

Experience alcohol and drug addiction at younger ages, and at higher rates, than all other ethnic groups.

For more on mental health in American Indian Alaska Native families, please refer to this brochure developed in partnership with CCUIH, California Urban Indian Health Programs, and Each Mind Matters.

How We Work to Address Mental Health
in AIAN Communities

CCUIH continually works to increase access to necessary and supportive services for mental health in California through our policy advocacy efforts on the state level, and capacity building initiatives at the community level. Through our partnerships with our member Urban Indian Health Programs, we have had opportunities to facilitate the development of community networks for linking Native youth and families to services at their local UIHP, as well as other organizations in their communities. Additionally, as a part of our work directly with Each Mind Matters, we partnered with the Youth Services program at San Diego American Indian Health Center to developed these youth focused posters aimed at breaking down the stigma surrounding conversations about mental health that prevent those in need of help from reaching out.

Addressing the Stigma of Mental Health

Additionally, as a part of our work directly with Each Mind Matters, we partnered with the Youth Services program at San Diego American Indian Health Center to developed these youth focused posters aimed at breaking down the stigma surrounding conversations about mental health that prevent those in need of help from reaching out.

Digital Storytelling

Each Mind Matters has worked with Native communities in California in order to share the voices of Native people and their relationship with mental health care and wellness. Below, is one of those stories.

Additional Resources

Below you can download information on mental health statistics in California and Native communities as well as resources for locating mental health services across California that serve American Indian Alaska Native individuals and families.