2010 by xadmin | Nov 5, 2019IHS Urban Confer ACA requires the Director of the IHS to confer with UIHPs on changes in regulations.
2010 by xadmin | Nov 5, 2019Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) The ACA permanently renews IHCIA.
2009 by xadmin | Nov 5, 2019California Indian Health Program (IHP) California State Budget eliminates funding for the IHP, which many UIHPs and Tribal Health Programs depend on for a variety of healthcare initiatives.
2009 by xadmin | Nov 5, 2019ARRA Requires IHS to provide tribal consultation to Indian serving health programs.
2009 by xadmin | Nov 5, 2019American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Prohibits healthcare premiums from being imposed on AIANs who receive Medicaid services.