On May 16th, CCUIH Board President Sonya Tetnowksi, CEO of IHCSCV testified during the Committee of Appropriations AIAN Public Witness Hearing. She underscored the vital role California Urban Indian Health Programs (UIHPs) play in the Indian Health Service health care delivery system. We thank Sonya for her leadership and representing the UIHP American Indian patient population.
An excerpt from Sonya Tetnowski’s testimony: “Federal support remains critical to ensure the delivery of essential health services both on and off reservation land…. We ask that while you are considering appropriations for FY 2018 consider an increase for I/T/U system of care, (“I- Indian Health Service, T- Tribal Health providers (Tribal 638), and U- Urban Indian Health Providers) with a formulary that takes into account the entire AI/AN population and steps to create network capacity and infrastructure to meet our health needs wherever we are.”
California is home to 10 Urban Indian Health Organizations, representing nearly one-third of all Title V programs nationwide. According to the 2010 Census, nearly 90% of American Indian Alaska Native (AIAN) in California live in urban areas, compared to 78% nationwide. Because the majority of the Urban Indian population in California is unable to access their Tribes for health and wellness services, UIHPs are a key lifeline to the population.