The Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley has announced the completion of the renovations to its Silver Creek Clinic, which serves as a medical clinic that also offers Women Infants and Children (WIC) program services. The Silver Creek Clinic represents one of IHCSCV’s four clinical locations that serve the Santa Clara Valley region IHCSCV is located in.
On October 3rd, beginning at 4:00pm, the Silver Creek Clinic will be hosting a gathering open to the public to help them celebrate its opening that will include a welcome by Sonya Tetnowski, CEO of IHCSCV, words of introduction by House Representative Zoe Lofgren, and a tour of the new facilities.
As a member of CCUIH, in addition to the medical and social services if offers to the Santa Clara Valley region, IHCSCV also provides culturally relevant services to the Urban Indian population of the area as well, in hopes of encouraging the healing and continued survival of this population. IHCSCV is devoted to upholding the health and wellness of the AI/AN population it serves and the opening of the renovated Silver Creek Clinic will aid in fulfilling this mission.
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