Indian Civil Rights Act (ICRA) ICRA is meant, “to ensure that the American Indian is afforded the broad constitutional rights secured to other Americans … [in order to] protect individual Indians from arbitrary and unjust actions of tribal...
Urban Indian Clinic Pilot Program In response to the efforts of the urban Indian community leaders in the 1960s, Congress appropriates funds through IHS for a pilot Urban Indian clinic in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Friendship House Founded Friendship House Founded: Located in San Francisco, Friendship House becomes the nation’s first residential treatment facility run by and for AIANs.
Indian Relocation Act Encourages AIANs to leave reservations, assimilate into the mainstream culture in urban areas, offers to pay moving expenses and provide some vocational training. Relocated AIANs become isolated from their communities and face racial...
House Concurrent Resolution 108 The federal policy of termination begins. Tribal homelands are disbanded and sold. Termination attempts to dismantle the reservation system, transfer the natural resources of reservations to non-Indian corporations, and places Indians...